The growth of your online business highly depends on marketing. How do you market? What marketing theories do you follow to sell your product on a big scale? To reach maximum customers and clients, the business owner plan to use marketing strategies that help generate potential leads and thus create a word of mouth for their business. For a startup to grow, business owners often choose to go for a cheaper market strategy that can produce some value.

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book, Tipping Point highlights an important idea of marketing your startups. For a startup to generate potential customers, creating word-of-mouth is crucial. A marketing idea in which users speak about the product’s quality. When the message is spread people naturally engage and thus businesses grow. The word-of-mouth (WOM) strategy can only be developed when people go through customers’ experiences. Hush Puppies, an internationally recognized brand, was unknown until its customers spoke about their product experience.

This is the primal level of marketing. So how an online business grows through digital marketing?

Digital Marketing Vs. Social Media Marketing:

Today, the internet has created massive income generator resources. The market strategy for businesses can go a long way toward generating potential leads. For online businesses, two marketing ways are widely famous and resourceful. Both generate good business. Digital marketing has several tools online and offline to create a wide range of customers. But how do these tools work best to create a wide range of customers?

Email marketing:

Share daily updates or attach a blog talking about new products. Launch new courses for subscribers, and thus giving them offers and discounts.

Video marketing:

Make promotional videos, educational tutorials, or videos offering discounts on your products. It will attract potential customers. Because people like to get discounts and offers on their purchase.

Social media channels:

Generate social media platforms to spread the message about the product. Give new updates each day. Post pictures of collaborations on social media.

SEO tools:

Take the help of google analytics, learn through high ranks profiles, and search what people are searching for related to your product? SEO tools include Google analytics 4 and Google search console that helps track performance.

Content Creation tools:

Generate content that helps drive online traffic. SEO-focused content generates potential leads and customers. Because you are providing what people are searching for on the internet.

Paid social media marketing:

Paid promotions and influencer branding videos are another crucial way to do marketing. The paid promotions include making YouTube videos with high viewership or running social media campaigns. Thus, you can get more potential leads.

Organic social media marketing:

Generate business from your followers. Your followers can be your potential clients and thus provide you with massive business opportunities.

Creating word-of-mouth:

Make people spread good words about your products by providing them with a good user experience and reliable products. The customer’s feedback is the main component to market your product. Because of the feedbacks are user’s experience.

Offline digital marketing resources:

The offline resources include tv ads, radio promotions, digital billboards, and SMS. However, digital billboard ads help to create potential leads. As they have a massive scope to captivate more attention on the road and thus provide people insights about your product.

Social Media Marketing:

While digital media marketing has many tools to help generate potential leads, social media marketing is an integral part of digital media marketing. It can create both organic and paid traffic and customers. Thus, it is necessary to focus on why people prefer social media tools to market their products. They generate word-of-mouth by publishing product-based content on different social media platforms.

The diverse social media platforms have a diverse range of followers, and thus it is a good chance to spread your message to millions of users. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Telegram, and WhatsApp groups are tools to engage more people, create word-of-mouth and thus locate more potential clients.

Though digital marketing has several tools to engage online and offline with customers, social media platforms are in everyone’s hands. People look on social media platforms for the credibility of products and how people think about your brand. Who is following this brand? The social media campaigns also help take more people in and make them a part of your experience. However, the major difference is that digital marketing tools are considered more relevant but stats at times suggest otherwise. Social media marketing is also the best source to drive diverse traffic and make your product a brand within the range of your followers.